In recent weeks, I have possibly been over dosing on embellishment. I have just completed a 12lecture online study, on the history of jewellery with the V&A, from medieval to present day, which can only be described as fantastic. For me, the offering was multi-fold. I saw, over the centuries, who wore what, how and when, and the relationship of jewellery to clothing. Men wearing long pearls is not new.
As a result, I began to recognise, what has inspired contemporary jewellers I’m familiar with, and how they developed their style, whether that is Monies or Elizabeth Gage,
for rings, brooches necklaces and pendants.
Last month, The Sloane Club London, arranged a private visit to Sotheby’s pre auction sale of significant gems for its members. Shirley Bassey’s stage necklaces and earrings, alongside a spectacular family tiara, and other delights. I enjoyed the evening so much, I returned the next day, to view a collection of contemporary art.
That has been very refreshing content, after the lockdown era of our lives, threatened to extract the sheer joy from our lives, and dull the imagination.
In Italy, on my sojourns, I always visit a couple of special addresses for yet another pair of earrings, where I see a gap! Then on to my friend’s antique shop, where I am guaranteed to spot something I did not know I wanted!
Jewellery for sure, is the subject of the tool.